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We want to help pets by giving one of our supplements away, EVERY WEEK!
Simply enter your details, ONCE,
and you will be entered EVERY WEEK.
That’s all there is to it. Enter your details
now and you could be this week’s winner!

“My dogs and I love Omegease! They love the taste and I love the results. Their coats are sleek and shiny, and their skin is no longer flaky and itchy. It has a clean clear texture and doesn’t lead to stinky fish breath.”
I am a longtime dog breeder and was very sceptical. I didn't even trust my own first impression....but when I ran out for a week after my 14-year old had been on it for two months? Never again! I now call it Magic Juice! My elderly girl is bouncy, not limping and steady on her feet.

“Our 14 year old dog suffered with constant diarrhea and gas. Our vet suggested a probiotic and I chose Tummy Works. The results have been amazing. He now has firm stools and no gas. It has made such a difference to our furry friend.”