As a dog owner, naturally you want their life to be a long and happy one, so why do bigger breed dogs age faster than smaller breeds?
Unfortunately, it is a sad fact that that bigger dogs have a shorter lifespan than small dogs, so in this article, let's look at why that is, and what you can do to help your dog live longer.
How Do We Know That Bigger Breed Dogs Age Faster?
Simply put, it's all down to research.
Studies show that aging typically starts at the same age whether it be in small or large dog breeds, but for some reason large breeds age faster.
However, whilst one theory suggests that larger breeds have an accelerated growth rate, there is no definitive answer as yet.
One thing is for sure that more studies are needed to understand why this happens.
What Age Do Larger Dog Breeds Live Until?
The average lifespan that a larger dog breed will live to is typically between 8-9 years.
Of course this is only a guideline and there are many other factors to take into consideration such as:
- Diet
- Breed
- Amount of care received
- Exercise
- Disabilities
- Disease
How You Can Help Your Dog Live Longer
Whether you are the owner of a big breed dog or smaller dog, thankfully there are things you can do to help them live longer.
Exercise your dog regularly
No matter how large or small your dog is, they need to be exercised regularly.
It goes without saying exercise is required for your dog to stay healthy but it also it also helps keep them fit, aids with training, and gives them socialization skills.
Stimulate your dogs mind
All dogs benefit from mental stimulation.
Not only does mental stimulation break boredom, but it actually assists in preventing premature ageing.
Mental stimulation is also necessary for your dogs happiness and can help lessen hyperactivity.
Ensure your dog has a healthy diet
Ensuring your dog has the right diet keeps them healthy, happy and active for as long as possible.
A nutrionally balanced diet is essential to ensure your dog receives the essential nutrients he needs from the following groups:
- Protein
- Carbohydrates
- Fats/oils
- Water
- Vitamins
- Minerals
Not sure how healthy your dogs diet is? Check out the following article to find out more; 'How Healthy is Your Dog’s Diet?'.
Give your dog a controlled diet
Did you know dogs on a controlled diet live longer?
The evidence is so compelling:
The diet-restricted dogs (25% less food) lived almost 2 years (1.8 years) longer, reaching an average age of 13 years. It’s not surprising that the dogs on the restricted diet weighed less and had lower body fat. But they also delayed the onset of late life diseases, especially osteoarthritis.
If you want your dog to live longer, enjoy a more active life and delay the onset of age related diseases, you have to control their weight.
Consider giving your dog supplements
You may want to consider giving your dog supplements to aid their health and wellbeing.
Althоugh mоѕt hіgh ԛuаlіtу ѕtоrе bоught dоg fооd аrе nutrіtіоnаllу bаlаnсеd аnd соntаіn аll еѕѕеntіаl nutrіеntѕ nесеѕѕаrу fоr оur реtѕ, ѕоmеtіmеѕ wе ѕhоuld соnѕіdеr ѕuррlеmеntіng their dіеt wіth ѕоmе аddіtіоnаl vіtаmіnѕ аnd minerals.
There are many preventative benefits of giving supplements, especially for dogs with an increased risk of developing joint problems which is pretty much every large breed.
Finest For Pets Supplements
After many years as a pharmacist, I decided to dedicate my knowledge to helping pets. I named my company Finest For Pets because I use my insider knowledge to source the best ingredients for our supplements – we have one quality – the Finest! You get 30 years of pharmacy expertise in every bottle.
Our goal at Finest For Pets is to naturally treat the underlying cause of joint pain with healthy supplements, rather than hide the symptoms with long-term pain medication. We’ve helped thousands of pets to live healthier and happier lives – imagine how good that feels!
Glucosamine Supplements
Veterinarians strongly recommend these supplements because they naturally heal the underlying cause of arthritis and joint pain. They are very popular with pet owners because of their overwhelming success in improving their pet's health and happiness.
Glucosamine is the essential building block for healthy cartilage. Glucosamine supplements enable dogs struggling with joint pain, to naturally make more cartilage. This rebuilds and repairs the cartilage cushion between the bones in a joint. The bones stop grinding painfully together, producing wonderful improvements in mobility and happiness.
The best glucosamine supplements have additional ingredients like Chondroitin Sulfate, Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) and Hyaluronic Acid. These multiply the benefits of glucosamine.
Fix your dog's joints with Rejenease! Rejenease is our highest rated supplement because of it's overwhelming success in naturally healing the cause of joint pain.
So what are the health benefits of using Rejenease?
- Restores energy, mobility and joy
- Reduces swelling and tenderness
- Repairs stiff, worn joints
- Powerful natural pain relief
- Protects younger dogs & AT risk breeds
More information about Rejenease can be found from the following link:
There are mаnу bеnеfitѕ tо uѕing рrоbiоtiсѕ fоr dоgѕ, juѕt as they dо fоr humаnѕ, рrоbiоtiсѕ hеlр dоgѕ рrеvеnt and rеliеvе iѕѕuеѕ with digestion.
Many mау dесidе tо start thеir реtѕ on рrоbiоtiсѕ when thеir dogs are ѕtill рuррiеѕ to tаkе advantage оf thе bеnеfitѕ of рrоbiоtiсѕ. A puppy аlrеаdу hаѕ a сlеаn and sterile digеѕtivе tract, ѕо thе tract can actually bе fоrtifiеd during thiѕ timе.
Tummyworks is the best probiotics powder for allergy relief, hot spot treatment, diarrhea, yeast infection, itching and a breath freshener, plus added digestive enzymes improve digestion.
TummyWorks will make your dog healthier within days, it gives them all the good bacteria they need and quickly restores their gut health, and alleviates the following problems:
- Gas problems
- Diarrhea
- Digestion problems
- Allergies
- Yeast infections
- Skin problems especially itching
TummyWorks also works wonders in cats too!
More information about TummyWorks can be found from the following link:
Also check out the new addition to our TummyWorks range, TummyWorks chews!
Fish Oils
Fiѕh oil саn hеlр with your dogs аrthritiѕ раin аnd аllеrgiеѕ.
A 2008 Bауlоr Univеrѕitу and Hаrvаrd Medical Sсhооl ѕtudу showed fiѕh оil rеduсеѕ bоdу inflammation inside and оut. Thiѕ makes уоur dog healthier bесаuѕе lеѕѕ inflаmmаtiоn mеаnѕ a ѕtrоngеr immunе ѕуѕtеm.
For further benefits of using fish oils, check out the following link:
Arthritis and Joint Pain Treatment For Dogs: The Benefits of Using Fish Oil
Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil
Treat your pet to all of the benefits of omega fatty acids. Finest For Pets offers the best fish oil, made from the finest wild caught Alaskan Salmon and produced to the highest possible quality standards.
Please find more information about our wild Alaskan salmon oil from the following link:
Finest For Pets Alaskan Salmon Oil
Treat your pet to all of the benefits of omega 3, 6 & 9 fatty acids. Give them the best fish oil, made from the finest wild caught non-predatory fish and produced to the highest possible quality standards.
Please find more information about our wild Alaskan salmon oil from the following link:
Remember, if it's too cold for you to go outside, it's probably too cold for your furry friend too, so don't force them to go out.
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